Most craft ideas are geared to individuals, whether kids or adults. Sometimes you'd like to have a craft idea that works for a group of kids working together. Making a mural together is an idea that works for a group. By working together, you are creating something to decorate a shared area. Individual crafts can be displayed, but one unique item is often more effective than a group of items that are almost identical. In addition, sometimes kids' crafts, like it or not, just become clutter when they are taken home, and it isn't long before Mom throws it out. This craft idea of making a group mural can be displayed for several weeks and will not become clutter in anyone's home.
The basic materials for a kids' group mural is freezer paper. Freezer paper is about 18 inches wide, and it is very tough. One side is plastic coated. That is the side that is designed to be placed against the food. You will have better luck drawing on and gluing things onto the other side. Class or group murals can feature a number of different design elements. You can mix up some finger paint and let the children make hand prints (or even foot prints!) on the paper. You can let them scour old cast-off magazines and color catalogs for pictures they like and let them cut the pictures out and glue them on. They can add scribbles, designs, signatures, slogans, or pictures using markers, crayons, or gel pens. They can attach stickers to the mural as well. This craft idea is very flexible!
For making the mural, choose a topic that relates to the group in some way. If the group are girl scouts, for instance, and have been learning to camp, the mural can feature pictures of items related to camping. If you've been learning about dinosaurs, you can use them as a theme. If you want a really messy project that makes a cute mural for fall, mix up finger paint in fall colors. The children can each make a tree by first laying their forearm in brown paint. Then they lay their arm on the paper to make the trunk of the tree. They should spread out their fingers so their arm print has five short branches at the top. To make the leaves, the children make fingerprints all around the top of the tree using paints in other fall colors. If you add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to finger paint when mixing it up, it will be easier to clean off the children's arms. Do make sure they have old clothes or smocks for this craft idea.
Little preschoolers will like making a mural with an animal theme. You should probably find and cut out animal magazine pictures to start with, and then let the children choose the ones they like for gluing down. Glue sticks are neat to use with small children. They will paste some of the pictures upside down. Expect it and do not scold them. It is the process that is important in this craft idea. The children can also use animal cookie cutters dipped in finger paint to stamp animals on the mural, too. You may need to tape the paper to the table so it doesn't slide around while the children work.
An elaborate form of this craft idea that adults often make is a quilt around a theme. Each person in the group creates a quilt square to represent some aspect of what the group stands for. These quilt squares can be colored with fabric pens or crafted of patchwork or applique. Again, the craft idea is to build group solidarity and not to highlight one artist's skills over another. When the quilt top is completed, it can be a group project to tie it or quilt it. It can be hung in a special central location or given to an appreciated leader or member.
When an individual walks into a hospital they expect to see a nurse, a doctor and possibly even a receptionist. The reason to even go to a hospital is to see a doctor who can hopefully cure whatever ailment an individual may have. While doctors and nurses are in the forefront diagnosing diseases and administering treatments, there are individuals behind the scene that do not first come to mind when thinking of a hospital. These individuals keep everything in the hospital r...
Health Care Degree Online
Article Body:
When an individual walks into a hospital they expect to see a nurse, a doctor and possibly even a receptionist. The reason to even go to a hospital is to see a doctor who can hopefully cure whatever ailment an individual may have. While doctors and nurses are in the forefront diagnosing diseases and administering treatments, there are individuals behind the scene that do not first come to mind when thinking of a hospital. These individuals keep everything in the hospital running as smooth as possible and operate the administrative side. These professionals are trained in health care management and one of the easiest ways to do so is by receiving a health care management degree online.
The health care field is one of the fastest and most competitive career fields around. With that, it is important for professionals in the field to stay competitive. One way for individuals to stay competitive is to receive a health care management degree online. By receiving an online degree in health care management, professionals or aspiring professionals are given a better understanding of the health care profession as a whole and improve their assessment and management skills. By receiving an advanced degree, an individual will become more marketable in the job search field, as well as a better possibility for upward mobility in their current career. Receiving a degree online also affords professionals the comfort of completing course work at home, as well as the flexibility of maintaining a full-time job.
The goal of a health care management degree online program is to train professionals in the health care industry to make operations more efficient and competitive. Going through a degree program, individuals will be able to analyze health care as a whole and historical data important to the health care field. They will also receive skills in critical listening and reading, as well as being able to communicate effectively. While these skills may not appear to have anything to do with health care, they are essential to the field. It is important for health care management professionals to listen to the needs of the patients, as well as the doctors. They need to be effective problem-solvers and mediators as well.
The course work associated with a health care management degree online program reinforces these skills needed in the work place. Students are required to learn about the anatomy of the body so they can answer questions correctly and understand what a patients problem may be when they come into a hospital setting. Classes in human resources, management and accounting are also important to this particular career field because of the wide array of duties required by a health care management professional. Another crucial element to a degree in health care management is taking a class in law and ethics. Because of the fact that the average doctor is sued every five years, it is imperative that health care management professionals know the law and are well versed in ethics.
Health care management is a popular major because of all the career possibilities available to graduates. Everywhere you go there are hospitals and doctors offices in need of health care administrators. Upon graduation of a health care management degree online, individuals are able to work at hospitals, private physician practices, home health agencies, ambulatory care centers, and various other agencies and organizations that offer health care services. Whatever the health care service, professionals are needed to operate the service and make sure things run smoothly. Wherever there are doctors, administrators are sure to be there behind the scenes.
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